MRI diagnostics
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
This is a modern diagnostic research which is performed on an equipment using of a magnetic field and high-frequency radio waves. MRI examination obtains high-contrast images of body tissues without X-rays, unlike CT diagnostics and X-rays examinations. MRI allows to see organs, soft tissues, bones, blood vessels, joints and determining changes in their physical properties in detailed high-quality images.
When an MRI is prescribed
Magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed to establish the cause of pain syndromes, organ's disfunctions and to get the detailed information about the affected area.
MRI diagnostics can be prescribed scheduly basis or urgently in following cases:
- Examination of the brain and spinal cord - for the diagnosis of neoplasms, developmental pathology, existing and progressive diseases, brain injuries;
- Examination of the bones and joints state - for the diagnosis of hernias, vertebral displacement, arthritis, bone infection, injuries and many diseases;
- Examination of internal organs - for detection of pathological processes and neoplasms in tissues;
- Examinations of the heart and blood vessels - for detection of developmental pathology and disease;
- Examination of the mammary glands - as a supplement to mammography for the diagnosis of breast cancer;
- Examination of abnormal development and body structure;
- As a preventive examination and treatment control.
How MRI is performed
The patient lies on a moving table that moves into the middle of the apparatus until the part of the body being examined is in the center of the magnet. To obtain a high-quality image, it is important not to move your head or body and to breathe evenly during the entire examination procedure. Therefore, it is important to inform the staff before the examination procedure begins if your position on the table is uncomfortable or if something worries you. During the examination of the head, the patient is put on a special device for fixing the head. The duration of the examination depends on the diagnostic tasks and can last from 10 to 40 minutes. The images received in MRI results are displayed on the computer screen, and then on film. They can be transferred to optical media or USB for further analysis and diagnosis.
There should be no metal or magnetic objects, mobile phones and hearing aids in the examination area. Jewelry, equipment, headset, removable dental and other prostheses, dental plates, any media, including plastic cards, must remain in the locker room. It is important to inform the doctor about the presence of any metal or electronic implants in the body (vascular clips, metal prostheses, plates or any other medical devices). Some medical implants in the patient's body may be a contraindication to MRI examination, because a strong magnetic field will shift the metal off the place of installation, and in addition it will significantly affect the quality of the image of the examination area. The magnetic field can disrupt the operation of electronic devices implanted in the body (hearing aids, pacemakers, etc.).
Examination of children
When MRI diagnosis is carrying out to a child, it is necessary to take into account his ability to be still and calm within a given time. The child's parents may be present during the examination to comply with these requirements. In other cases, including when the child is young, medical sleep is used for a successful examination. Consultation of a pediatrician and an anesthesiologist will be necessary in such a case.
In many cases magnetic resonance examination it is necessary to use a contrasting fluid in the patient's body (a gadolinium-based agent) which is injected in to the body through the vessels. The contrast agent used in MRI is less allergenic than iodine-containing drugs used in CT diagnostics. This kind of MRI diagnostics is carried out in two steps - first the MRI study without contrast, then with the contrasting agent.
In our clinic we use "DOTAVIST" by "Pharmak" JSC for MRI with contrast.
Contrast MRI allows to assess the dynamics of processes in tissues: diffusion, blood flow level, metabolic processes, etc. It is intended for:
- tumor examination;
- pre-surgery examination;
- blood vessel analysis;
- confirmation or denial of suspicion on cancer, inflammation or infection;
- additional examination of formations detected during MRI without contrast.
Contraindications to MRI
There are following relative contraindications to MRI:
- insulin pumps;
- nerve stimulants;
- non-ferromagnetic implants of the inner ear;
- prostheses of heart valves;
- hemostatic clips (except brain vessels);
- decompensated heart failure;
- tattoos made with dyes containing metal compounds, including titanium compounds (for example, based on titanium dioxide).
There are following absolute contraindications include:
- metal implants in the body;
- implanted electronic devices.
How to prepare to MRI
In most cases, MRI does not require special preparing. If you take any medication, it will not affect either the MRI's results nor its process.
In case of epileptic disease it is necessary to take anticonvulsant before the examination and warn the doctor about the illness.
You should refrain from makeup if you have an MRI of the head.
There are still some requirements you should follow up in case of these kinds of MRI:
- to refrain from eating and drinking for 5 hours before the MRI in case of an abdominal cavity examination;
- to refrain from eating for 2 hours before any MRI examination with contrasting;
- to drink 1 liter of water before the examination for filling bladder in case of MRI on pelvic organs;
- to undertake MRI between the 7th and 12th days of the cycle in case of examination to mammary glands (not relevant to climax);
You should consult a doctor before MRI with contrasting in case:
- allergy to medical drugs in the anamnesis
- bronchial asthma
- cardiovascular diseases
- polycythemia, sickle cell anemia and myeloma
- dehydration
- treatment with beta-blockers or interleukin
- seizures in the anamnesis
- kidney disease
- an MRI with contrast within the last 24 hours has been undertaken.
The abovementioned do not give an absolute contradiction to the contrasting examination, however, in some cases, patients are prescribed additional medications that reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
You should also know that there are many special diagnostic methods and programs intended for a certain group of pathologies and diseases to be medically etected and all of them have their own diagnostic limitations. Therefore the MRI diagnostics should be prescribed by a specialized doctor with the statement of a goal of axamination and the indication of the exact anatomical area where MRI should be carried out.
The quality of MRI in "Manufactura" clinic
We carry out the MRI with Vantage Elan 1.5 Tesla (by world's leader of medical equipement "Toshiba medical"), which is a new (2017) machine of the latest generation. The power of 1.5 tesla and the versatility of the device allows to perform high quality researches of various organs and tissues with and ensure determinnation the pathology process and make the correct diagnosis as a consuequence.
There are good experts and experienced diagnosticians in "Manufactura" clinic completely corresponded to our high-tech effective eqpuipment for a expert assessment of the MR-image obtained during examination.
Our MRI services:
- Diagnosis of acute disorders of cerebral circulation;
- Diagnosis in case of suspicion of tumor and tumor diagnosis;
- After surgery assessment of treatment;
- Diagnosis of degenerative changes in the brain;
- Diagnostics of inflammatory processes and injuries;
- Determination of developmental anomalies;
- Diagnosis of convulsive syndrome;
- Diagnosis of arterial hypertension;
- Diagnosis of increased intracerebral pressure;
- Diagnosis of brain injury;
- Diagnosis of IHD (ischemic heart disease);
- Diagnosis of atherosclerosis;
- Diagnosis of thrombophlebitis;
- Diagnosis of vascular neurisms;
- Diagnosis of traumatic or inflammatory joint changes;
- Diagnosis of bone and joint tumors;
- Diagnosis of muscle and tendon injuries;
- Diagnosis of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
- Diagnosis of tunnel syndrome;
- Diagnosis of bursitis, tendovaginitis;
- Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis;
- Diagnosis of the condition after operations on joints and soft tissues;
- Diagnosis of degenerative diseases in the spine;
- Diagnosis of osteochondrosis;
- Diagnosis of congenital pathology in the spine;
- Diagnosis of osteoporosis.
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