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Mammography is an x-ray image of the mammary glands (mammogram), which is currently the most effective way of the breasts health examination and detecting cancers in the early stages of development. There are differentiated screening mammography - the overall inspection of mammary glands and the diagnostic mammography when the doctor peforms a targeted examination.

Screening mammography allows doctors to assess the condition of tissues and see the abnormal changes of a tumor nature in them. It is recommended for women from the risk grou which is:

  • women over 45 years old;
  • women with suspicion of a tumor formation detected during a manual examination,
  • women whose mother or grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

A screening mammogram reveals tumors of non-malignant origin and abnormal tissue changes that require additional examination to confirm cancer.

Diagnostic mammography is a focused study of detected abnormal changes in tissues for the more accurate diagnosis and choosing treatmen.

When and how a mammogram is performed

Screening mammography does not require a doctor's prescription if one belongs to the risk group. Targeted mammography is performed by the prescription of a mammologist or ultrasound specialist as a deeper examination of detected formations.

The examination is carried out on a special X-ray machine, the mammary gland are placing fixed between two plates and the machine take a X-ray picture. This process  can cause discomfort or slight pain. That is why its recommended to make the mammography within the first week after the last day of menstruation and to avoid it during it and in the last week of the cycle, due to the excessive pain sensitivity of the breasts during these periods.

Important! Deodorants, talc, some perfume compounds and cream ingredients can create false marks on the image, so they should be avoided on the day of the diagnosis and washed off thoroughly the day before the examination.

Read more about the examination and frequently asked questions in our article "Mammography: what's important."

Mammography in "Manufactura" clinic

The diagnostic department of our clinic uses a high-precision imaging equipment with the multi-plane images. This provides the doctor with the opportunity to detect changes in tissues at the earliest stages of disease development, or objectively to confirm the pathology, trace its development dynamics of the process as well as evaluate the effectiveness of taken treatment. We carry out diagnostics at a high level, in comfortable conditions and with minimal impact on the body.

You can make an appointment for the examination making a call to our clinic or through the "Make an appointment" online-form, selecting mammography in the "Diagnostics" section.

Make an appointment

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